Reverse engineering software

Reverse engineering originates from mechanical engineering. Even today, 3D scanning, computer tomography, ultrasonic measurement, and other methods are used to obtain information in order to understand how a machine or mechanical device works. Reverse engineering literally reverses the engineering process in which components of a product are designed and assembled to create a functional device.

Reverse engineering aims to uncover information on how a product’s individual components function, helping you gain a complete understanding of each component and the system as a whole. This is precisely why this process is often applied to competing products: in order to be able to improve or adapt a product and survive in the competitive market. Reverse engineering has many other uses and is not limited to hardware. But how and why is reverse engineering used for software?Contents

  1. The redesign of software
  2. Processes of reverse engineering software
  3. When is reverse engineering used for software?

The redesign of software

Reverse engineering code allows programmers to reverse the development and production processes of software and gain a valuable look behind the scenes of a program. The deconstruction and reverse engineering of software provides insight into the source code of an application. If the code is known, software can be read by experts without any issues. It is then possible for them to understand, rewrite, or rebuild the program’s architecture, functionality, and internal structures. The understanding of a software’s processes gained from the reverse engineering of software also allows errors in the program to be rectified. In software development, reverse engineering is mainly used for the development of new products and the troubleshooting or analysis of competing products.
